Sunday, July 22, 2012

Another clue about the giveaway: Why are you using fabric softener???

If you're reading this and you aren't mildly crunchy (or more), I'm guessing you use fabric softener or dryer sheets.  The following is what you need to know:


Fabric Softener causes buildup on clothes which makes them dingy looking and less absorbent.  

Fabric softener can cause acne, rashes and more skin issues for people who have sensitive skin. 

You should not use fabric softener with wicking clothing such as swimsuits or athletic gear.

Microfiber is very sensitive.  No FS or DS, dryers or washing them with other items.

FS can stain your clothes if it gets directly on them.


FS should not be used with flame retardant clothing such as children's pajamas (costumes, kids clothes, fireman's gear etc).

It also should not be used with military uniforms.

I think this quite directly from Wikipedia sums up several of the most important facts:

"Fabric Softeners contain chemicals that impregnate fabric and are released over time. These chemicals may come in direct contact with the skin and may absorbed or inhaled. Certain ingredients release formaldehyde, which has been linked to cancer in lab tests.[6]Among other softener components are benzyl acetate (linked to pancreatic cancer), benzyl alcohol (an upper respiratory tract irritant), ethanol (linked to central nervous system disorders), limonene, and chloroform (a neurotoxin and carcinogen).[7] Some chemicals are neurostimulants or irritators and may be linked to Central Nervous System toxin exposure symptoms like headaches, disorientation, mood swings, numbness in face or extremities, memory loss, or irritability.[8]

Most fabric softeners use petroleum-based chemicals which deplete a non-renewable source and are not easily bio-degradable."  

WOW.  I think that speaks for itself. By the way, Wikipedia happens to be one of my favorite websites ever for finding out information, second only to Google.

If you are determined to use fabric softener that you can buy, Mrs. Meyers, Seventh Generation, Ecover and Simplicity are all chemical free smelly goods. You can also use them on cloth diapers!  I have not tried these, but they are my Amazon cart right now, waiting for the magical 1st of August.  They are a bit more expensive, but chemical free and somewhat better for the environment.

Method isn't on the list for this reason.  Also, wtf Whole Foods?!  I have tried accessing the full list of products containing the carcinogen like Method but haven't been able to.  Feel free to help a sista out!

You can also make your own softener or dryer sheets with vinegar or baking soda (google that, I don't know the recipes).  I do pour vinegar and essential oils directly in the laundry softener hole in the washer occasionally  Making your own will save you money (although you do have to buy vinegar and baking soda frequently).  It's better for you and the environment, but they still leave a carbon footprint when buying vinegar and baking soda.

My first choice (and the best option for the environment and your pocket) are Wool Balls.  I <3 my balls!  They are better economically because you buy them one every several years, you're most likely buying them from small businesses, and they cut down on energy costs by reducing dryer time.  They are the best for the environment because the carbon footprint is much smaller (they are shipped directly from the maker to you, and the necessary materials to make these are probably bought from a small business).

Don't believe me?  Want more information?

Check out these links for facts about fabric softeners:

Professor House
Household tips via the fun times guide (beware, although this site contains great information, there's an annoying video I couldn't get to stfu).  It also says dryer balls don't cut down the time, however it's referring to the plastic ones which are much different from all natural wool balls.
Wikipedia (search for fabric softener).
GOOGLE that shiz

I definitely suggest checking them out and I would love to hear about some facts you learn through your own research!

Sorry, I just have to say it one more time: I LOVE BALLS!!!!  Maybe I should have made saying "I love balls" as one of my donating things on the B1G1 life changing jounal.


nanobozho said...

what is mildly crunchy?

nanobozho said...

not sure if fabric softener is necessary if you use a dryer... but when i only had a washer i found that the clothes were not soft, as in stiff, hard to fold, much less to wear... so i started using the fabric softener balls... and they came out better (to my touch)...

would like to hear more about alternative ways of avoiding having scratchy clothes... my skin is very delicate...


good info about the microfibers, i have several of those mf blankets (luuuve 'em) and woudl hat eto damage them...

Mild Crunch said...

I agree, fabric softener is definitely NOT necessary. Yes, soft clothes are great, but it's not a requirement for living.

When you line dry cloth diapers, they do exactly what you're talking about and become hard, stiff etc. My son has never complained, but some parents might worry about that.

Unfortunately, I just learned that info about microfibers. It explains a lot as to why mine have lost the awesome softness.

Your wish is going to come true. We're just waiting for approval from the sponsor (not my husband) since the post is *drumroll* a giveaway.

Mild Crunch said...

Crunchy is a term for breast-feeding, baby wearing, co-sleeping, cloth diapering, organic eating, whole food eating, earth loving, chemical hating people. There's a lot more characteristics, feel free to google "Crunchy people". Of course, not everyone will fall under every characteristics. Maybe you only fall under a few...then you are mildly crunchy.

Mildly Crunchy is the name of my blog because, I haven't achieved the level of crunchiness I'd like to be at yet, I love cheap and easy things (hehehehe)! Sometimes in my life, price and convenience wins. However, I am taking steps to get become more crunchy, and have found out some amazing crazy stuff on my way!