Thursday, July 26, 2012

The BEST way to help get shoes on feet that need them, cheap, easy, and is great for the environment, and economy!

Introducing Soles4Souls to you! I feel so honored to share this with you!  I found out about them through my research of Bobs by Skechers (read that post here).  Skechers donates a TINY portion ($2...I'm not impressed) of their Bob's proceeds (when they are are purchased for full price ) to Sole4Shoes.

As I said in other posts, there's never a one size fits all solution to saving the world.  I endorse soulRebels (apparently if the word soul is in a name, it's awesome), it's the best company I've found to buy a new pair of shoes from.

However, this is a great option, if you don't need/want new shoes, don't have a lot of money, or have shoes that you no longer wear, laying around.  Lost one shoe from a pair?  That's okay, they'll take it too.

Ready for more awesomeness?

They help all over, including America.  You donate shoes.  They give the shoes that need to be washed, repaired, or in bad condition (but can be used for parts) to micro enterprises around the world.  The shoes in good condition are given to needy people. Check out their grading system, to determine where your shoes would go.  You can even choose! Micro enterprises are an amazing thing. Instead of just giving items to people, these poor people who receive will wash, repair, and fix the shoes to sell.  This creates more jobs and follows the "give a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach a man to fish, he eats for life" motto.  My eyes are seeing so much green and I love it!

Ways you can help (an extended list can be found here):
Text 20222 to make a donation.
You can donate as little as $1.  That $1 will provide one person with one pair of gently used shoes, you can make a donation online via their website (paypal, credit cards) or in person.
You can send (or bring them in if you are close enough) your gently worn shoes.
You can hold a wide variety of different types of fundraisers.  They've got tons of great ideas to get you started!

You can also help with The Mild Crunch drive!
The link above will take you to The Mild Crunch profile page on the Soles4Souls website, where you can donate money. :-)  A huge thanks to the Okinawa Kid's Clothing Swap for helping collect shoes!  You can check out my post about the swap here, and get free points!

If you're in Oki you can donate by:
a) contacting me about your unneeded shoes.
b) contacting me to donate money in person (and online).

It's up to you as to what you choose to do, but with $1 or one shoe, you can make a difference in someone's life.  You know you've been meaning to replace those old ones with soleRebels anyway.

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