Sunday, August 5, 2012

Facebook Public Announcement #1

Quit liking and sharing stupid shit.  PLEASE. I hate having to write this.  

Every time I see one of these things on my wall, I feel a little pang in my heart.  I'm not kidding, it causes me discomfort to know that friends are falling for this crap.  You are being manipulated in the most transparent way and either a) don't care or b) don't realize it.  Neither is a good thing and I feel like I'm watching society crumble every time I see one.  The people who create this just want their image liked a trillion times so they feel Facebook famous.

1)  Just because something says "like this if you love your mom" doesn't mean you have too.  Tricky huh?  . It's a pretty general acknowledgement that everyone loves their parents, jesus, siblings, children, aunts, uncles, etc.  I don't need a Facebook post informing me that you in fact are like every one else around.  Liking something takes no effort, it means nothing and is lazy.  Take 5 seconds and give someone a hug, or tell them you love them.  Just quit spamming up my wall.

However, if you have 11 toes, and there's an 11 toe one going around, feel free to like it.  It's probably something I didn't know about you, unique  and interesting.  I would also be jealous that I couldn't like it.  If they're cute I don't mind either.

2)  You don't have to like something just because you know what it is.  I'm not going to lie, a couple of them brought back memories in the beginning.  90% of these things you would have to be under the age of 20 not to know.  Seriously? I'm seeing them with Spongebob now.   Who doesn't know who Spongebob is?  Do you think the creator of this stupid "share thing" thought he was being tricky.  No, he did it so everyone would like and he would feel cool because a stupid picture of his was liked 10000000 times.    

3) Just because you see it on a picture or its a shared status on Facebook doesn't make it true.  Google or Snopes that crap, because you post things that aren't true, you look like an idiot.  

4) For the love of trees, liking and/or sharing pictures of dead/abused women/children/babies/animals IS NOT going to stop the cruelity.  These are posted by sick f-ers who don't care how disturbing the picture is, they just want to be facebook famous.  Don't give into it.

And while we're here, if you're still sharing the "share this post so little Timmy can get surgery" there's a way to help all the kids get their surgery at once:

1) Press the windows key + D
2) Alt +F4
3) Press enter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hahaha Thank you!! I hate when people like the dumbest things. I only like funny or cute things, so you should never have a problem with my 'likes' LOL